I started making short videos to show how my sparkling clothes look when you move in them. Still photos don’t show this kind of special texturing at all. Many avs don’t have computers powerful enough to always have the Advanced Lighting Model turned on, but everyone who does can see you sparkle even if yours is off!
But once I started making video, I learned how much fun it is. I’m still getting better at it, but you can see them all on my YouTube Channel. (Many are also on my Flickr; they have to be shorter, but the quality is better and you won’t see ads!)
I’ve got YouTube split up into Playlists, including these:
- En Yo! Sparkling Clothing Demos show what the clothes look like (usually with some nice music).
- Dance Parties are DJ parties with dancing at some of the venues who host my shops
- Dana’s Concert Videos are events with live musicians streaming into SL
The Flickr videos are grouped into this album.