Click the CATALOG button at the top (or HERE if that doesn't work and then try the menu again) and choose the kind of outfit you're looking for! The links on the pages will take you right to the item in Marketplace.
But even better, visit my shops inworld where every purchase donates HALF your Lindens to the hosting sim! (Marked 100% charity items excepted.) VISIT:
The expanded Mainstore in the RL historic J.L.Hudson Company Building in Detroit City!
Detroit City! across from the famous Nat's Jazz Club (Long Gowns Collection only)
NEW Shop at the beautiful new Glass House entertainment venue and art gallery.
NEW Shop at the brand new Sand Sea Style Mall next to the Thirsty Dragon Tavern.
Runaround Sue's Hop (If you land by the music venue, click the TP button again.)
Australia (home of the Pitch Perfect music venue)
Cummings Beach & Riding Sim! This is all biker or biker-themed clothes and shoes. (Shop is 100 meters N of the landing point.)
Paris Fifth Avenue next to the beautiful Paris La Nuit Theatre, home of the Fifth Avenue Guys and Dolls! (Visit and relasx in my beautiful Atelier upstairs!)
Creations Park, just down the street from the very famous and historic Savoy Ballroom. Sales here support the Michael J. Fox Parkinsons Research Foundation.
Shop at Parrot Bay Resort (they have a bike track up above, so some biker gear here)!.
Cassandra City shop across from the Seraph Club!
The 1939-theme Isle du Noir (shop across from the famous Voodoo Lounge)
Our neighborhood shop in Rockridge Heights
The sims below are ADULT (but my shops are still G-rated).
NEW Shop at the Sexy Desires Mall
NEW Shop at Shades of Emotions Club
NEW Shop at P&P
NEW Shop at Puerto Esclava
The sexy Fruits of Passion dance club
There are also ¡En Yo! popup shops and booths at special charity events. I always post those in group notices.