Mexico Collection

Visit the Museum of Maya and Inca Civilizations at Ayuda Virtual! Everything is in English and Spanish, and there is a self-guided tour notecard at the entrance.


  • Maya Name Glyph Choker
  • Mayan Queen Jumpsuit
  • Yucatan Bordado Jumpsuit
  • Maya Princess Toga Dress
  • Yucatan Hacienda Dress
En Yo! Maya Name Glyph Choker (“Dana” in Maya glyphs)
I sell this choker for just L$5 on MP (and give it for free with some outfits), with my own name in Mayan glyphs engraved. But I would love to custom-make one especially for you, with your own name!
For L$300, I will make your choker with your name, but I keep the right to use that same design again or sell it. For L$600, I “break the mold” and will NEVER use the same glyph again, even for someone else with the same name. The custom choker is not in Marketplace; you need to contact me inworld to order it.

En Yo! MAYAN QUEEN Jumpsuit for Maitreya

This version of my favorite jumpsuit is created to look like iridescent velvet. The bright embroidery is a real pattern, taken photographically from a fine Yucateca dress and brought here for you to enjoy! Three colors available at my shop or in the Marketplace for L$79 each. For Maitreya Lara.

En Yo! YUCATAN BORDADO (Embroidered) Jumpsuits for Maitreya

These jumpsuits are white cotton, the fabric of choice for our hot Yucatan days (and nights!). Patterns are from real Yucateca garments, passed down through generations of the Maya. L$75 each, for Maitreya Lara.

CLICK THIS LINK to bring up a Marketplace page with all three.

En Yo! MAYA PRINCESS Toga Dress for Maitreya

I searched everywhere for a dress suitable for a Mayan queen, and decided to make one myself. Note that the left breast is bare; I include the engraved gold bra to use if you wish. (Dress is Mesh for Maitreya; bra is classic and is worn using BoM.) L$100 in Marketplace or at my shops!

En Yo! Maya Princess Toga Dress for Maitreya


This lovely textured-cotton dress stands out in the Yucatan jungle or at any urban dance club. Like all my embroidered items, the fine work comes directly from an actual Yucateca garment. This is a FITMESH dress; it comes in 5 sizes, and will work on mesh bodies OR on classic bodies with the included alpha layer. Sells for L$59 in Marketplace and in my shops.

En Yo! Yucatan Hacienda Dress FITMESH