DARK EDEN story by Dana Enyo, created from
Storyboards by Baron Klaus Von Kayne
Artist’s original picture titles in BOLD CAPS
Version: Sept 1 2023

For this to make any sense, log in to Second Life and start HERE: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isle%20Du%20Noir/40/238/1995

You’re now in the Isle du Noir Gallery. Read the sign on the wall about the exhibit. You will be looking at a series of beautiful storyboards for a nonexistent film. I saw them and was inspired to try to write a story to go with them. The story goes in the same order as the pictures, so walk to your left past the stairway, and start at the picture of the two women standing on the sidewalk with a taxi at the curb. Enjoy!


Stephanie and Deana stepped out of the bar. It was only 6PM, and they were really not sure whether to head to their homes, or perhaps go somewhere together. Stephanie waved to a cab and it pulled over. But the ladies really didn’t know what to do, and hesitated.

“Hey girls, you want a cab or not?””Just a moment, please!” said Deana. The cabbie leaned against the side window looking very bored.


Deana looked across the street and saw a young woman exiting the building and looking right at her. Deana was frozen for a monment, but then smiled back at her. “Let the cab go, Stephanie. I have a feeling the evening can be interesting right here.”

Stephanie dropped a dollar bill in the cab window. “Sorry about that!” They crossed Sixth Avenue and introduced themselves. She shook hands and said “I’m Jacquie, with a ‘q’.” Good to meet you!”

Stephanie asked, “Were you on your way to anywhere that we might join you? We were just trying to decide what to do with this open Friday evening.”

“Yes!” answered Jacquie. There’s a lovely place where I go to relax. There are always interesting people there, and we can see where the energy takes us.”

The three women set off down the avenue and then off on a side street. In the next block, Jacquie stopped at a black lacquered door. She pulled a card from her purse and held it to a metal plate under the handle; there was a click, she opened the door and they entered.


“Good evening Jacquie! Good to see you! And you’ve brought some friends this evening–Welcome to the Black Cat Club!’
“Hello Katrin. Please meet Deana and Stephanie. We actually met only a few minutes ago as I was leaving my building; I thought this would be the best place for us to get to know each other better.”

Deana and Stephanie both smiled at Katrin. Although seated at the door, she was certainly not your usual Receptionist–she was holding a large iced cocktail in one hand, and her dress was a fascinating web of shimmering materials.

Stephanie looked up to see a man enter the next room. There was a woman sitting there too; only her stockinged, heeled leg visible to her. The man was reaching into his jacket; perhaps for his wallet? But it was only a moment; she brought her eyes back to their host and smiled once again.

“I’ll take them inside, Katrin,” said Jacquie. Katrin raised her glass. “Have a lovely time!”

Jacquie led her new friends through a different door into a well-furnished lounge. There was a comfortable grouping of upholstered chairs, where she motioned them to sit. “I’ll get us some drinks. They make a perfect martini here, or is that too much too early?”

“Sounds perfect,” replied Stephanie. “We just had very light vodka tonics at the bar; a fine martini would be great.”


Stephanie leaned forward and whispered softly to Deana, “Don’t look now, but do you see that woman at the bar with the cigarette holder? She looks like someone out of the 40’s.” “Yes, and has that ‘I own this place, and the rest of the block too’ kind of look. I think staying over here is just fine.”

Deana looked around…”Where’s Jacquie?” “Oh, she’s at another bar along the wall behind you. It looks like they’ve got one just for the neat or “on the rocks” service, and another for mixed drinks. OK, here she comes.”


“Here we go, ladies! To friendships, old and new!” They sipped their martinis. “My goodness,” said Stephanie, “this is as dry as the Sahara, but has such wonderful flavor! Is there any vermouth in this?”

“Oh no, I think she just thinks about Italy as she shakes the gin and ice. Whatever she puts in there besides that is a secret; and I’ve watched her make them many times and not seen a thing.”

Stephanie whispered, “Sorry, I’m eavesdropping on the conversation at the bar. The man looks so… I dunno… wistful? He’s missing something, or maybe he just lost something. The bartender is being very patient and understanding, which I guess is what bartenders do.”

“Jacquie,” said Deana, “do you know the woman sitting at the bar? I can’t really see her face, but she still looks really familiar.”

“Ah, you’ve probably seen her on the news, Deana. That’s Miss Sara–the only name she goes by. She owns a very upscale… shall we say “gentleman’s club,” on the Upper East Side. I’m sure she’s hearing everything, and may well have something to offer THIS gentleman before the evening is over.”

They smiled at each other and relaxed. They talked about who they are and what they do. Stephanie and Deana were both midlevel managers, Steph in banking and Deana in retail clothing. Jacquie lived comfortably off an inheritance, but had some success publishing articles and photographs in some artsy New York specialty magazines. All were single and happy that way. “If someone comes into my life, so be it,” said Jacquie, and the others agreed.

Jacquie said “Ladies, when we’ve finished our martinis, how about some music? There’s a jazz club and restaurant just down the block where they actually start playing early. It’s basically an open rehearsal before the real show; lots of improv and interaction with the audience. And the food is great.” “Sounds fun!” said Deana, and Stephanie nodded in agreement. “Let’s not rush these beautiful martinis, though.”

It didn’t take long to finish their martinis, although the second round lasted a while longer. They said their goodbyes to the bartender and Katrin and headed down the block.


A very short walk brought them to Baker’s Lounge, and the 1940’s decor was interesting and inviting. “This style isn’t just for show,” said Jacquie. “Baker’s has been here since 1944; I think it’s the oldest jazz club in New York.”

Jaquie waved to a waiter who smiled back with a “Sit anywhere you like” motion. They found a table near the back, with a view of the stage but not too close so they could talk.

“I’m looking at all the details,” said Stephanie. “I’m also seeing some very interesting sculpture!” She motioned discreetly to the left, where an incredibly lifelike sculpture of a woman holding a cigarette sat at the bar. “She looks like CLeopatra,” said Deana. “Yes,” said Jacquie. “But the man behind her is not a statue, and I’m pretty sure he’s looking at you, Deana.”

Deana blushed, then laughed. The waiter came over with menus but Jacquie brushed them off. “Henry, bring a bottle of Sonoma Valley chardonnay, and start the tapas coming in anytime.” “Of course, Jacquie! Right away.”

The band was playing smooth jazz in the background, and the entire atmosphere really was perfect. “Do you come here often?” asked Deana. “Oh yes,” Jacquie answered. “I rarely eat in, and this is New York! Besides, I can’t cook anything more complicated than a pot of coffee. And maybe toast, although I usually burn that. Baker’s is right here, and always feels great at the end of the day.”

“And there are all these fascinating people!” said Stephanie. “Although now I’m having trouble not staring, to make sure someone isn’t a statue or sculpture.”

Henry brought the wine, opened it and offered the taste to Jacquie. “It’s lovely as always, Henry. Please pour for the three of us. And please meet my neighbors and new friends Deana and Stephanie! I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of them from now on.”

“Very pleased to meet you ladies! I’m here five nights a week, so just come in, wave, and choose any table you like.” He placed the wine carefully in an ice bucket. “I’ll go get your first run of tapas. Enjoy!”


The three friends talked, the tapas arrived and were delicious and fun. Jacquie leaned forward a bit and said “There’s a woman over by the fireplace who looks very stern.” Stephanie and Deana both nodded. “Yes, I noticed her, Jacquie. What’s her problem?”

“I actually don’t know, but she comes here a lot, always stands there with her arm on the fireplace mantel, and always has that look on her face. It’s a good thing that fireplace is never lit, or she’d have broiled to a crisp long ago.”

Deana said “Well, looking at that artwork behind her, I can easily imagine her as a dominatrix surveying the crowd, looking for someone to draw into her dungeon. She might be the goddess in that picture with her new subject kneeling before her.”

Stephanie giggled. “You’re sure she’s not another statue, Jacquie?” “Oh no, she’s definitely real. In fact, I think I see who she has her eye on, but she may have some competition.”


Jacquie flicked her eyes to the right, and her friends followed her gaze. A woman half-reclined on a sofa, legs crossed and surveying the room. “She’s here a lot too,” said Jacquie. “And I’ve been watching her eyes. I think she’s looking at the same girl as our ‘goddess’.”


A dancer in a shimmering skin-tight catsuit came out on stage and began to dance gracefully to the smooth, soft jazz. Jacquie, Deana and Stephanie all turned their chairs around to see; that also let them all see the girl who appeared to have drawn the attention of the other two women.

The girl sat alone at the bar, clutching a rocks glass like it was all she had in the world. A lava lamp on the table suggested tears flowing in reverse; her eyes drifted to it, and then seemed to focus on nothing at all. She was pensive, and definitely looked vulnerable.

Jacquie said softly, “If either of them thinks she’s a pushover, they’ll be surprised. I’m not going to tell you her name, but she owns an entire apartment block downtown. And probably a few others besides.” Her friends looked unconvinced, and she smiled. “I’ve seen her with that ‘Woe is me’ look sometimes; I think she’s perfected it to catch people offguard. For all we know, she may be deciding whether to buy this building. Which I’m sure she could in a heartbeat!”

They finished the chardonnay and Henry came over. “Anything else, ladies?” “No Henry, just put it on my tab with the usual tip for yourself, and something for the band.” “Of course, Jacquie. Enjoy the rest of your evening!”

“Now I want to show you something really special,” said Jacquie, as she stood up from the table. They followed her across the lounge, through a black curtain and into a hallway, where there was an elevator. It opened to her touch; they entered and rose through the building.


When the doors opened, they found themselves on the roof of the building. It was a beautiful night, with a full moon casting light on the city. “It’s breathtaking, isn’t it?” said Deana. “I love New York!” exclaimed Stephanie, and she wrapped both her arms around her friends as they looked out over Manhattan.

“Let’s try not to disturb those two over by the other railing,” said Jacquie, as she gently moved the three of them into a shadowed area of the roof. Deana asked, “Do you think they know each other?”

Stephanie mused, “On the one hand, he looks like he wants to meet her, and is trying to decide on his opening line.” She paused… “But who would just come up here alone?”

Deana said “I’ll bet she came up here with someone else, to break up with him. See how sad she looks? The man saw them go to the elevator together in the lounge, and then only the guy came back down. I think he saw his chance and followed her, but now he’d better fish or cut bait!”

11) FOR ME?

As the girls watched, an amazing thing happened. The girl bent down, and picked up a bouquet of roses lying at her feet that had been hidden from view. She rose, turned to the man, and offered them to him.

“For me?” they heard him ask. “Yes,” she said. “I was going to give these to my fiancé. But a few minutes ago, he told me he was leaving me. He went back downstairs; his new love is waiting for him in the bar. You probably saw her; she looks like Cleopatra.”

Deana and Stephanie were frozen, but Jacquie took charge. “We’ve got to get back downstairs,” said Jacquie. She moved them quickly to the elevator, summoned it and they rode to the ground floor. Coming through the curtain, they all looked over to where the Cleopatra statue had been sitting at the bar.


It–that is, the statue, was gone. In her place with her back to them sat a very intense-looking woman in a stunning outfit–a satin robe over a black leather corset dress. She was looking into the large mirror on the side wall of the bar, and was just replacing the glass stopper in a large perfume bottle.

In the mirror, her eyes drilled directly into Deana and Stephanie in turn. Her smile was almost a Mona Lisa smile, that said “Yes, he’s Mine now.”

And Jacquie had disappeared.

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