DARK EDEN story by Dana Enyo, created fromStoryboards by Baron Klaus Von Kayne Artist’s original picture titles in BOLD CAPSVersion:...
DARK EDEN story by Dana Enyo, created fromStoryboards by Baron Klaus Von Kayne Artist’s original picture titles in BOLD CAPSVersion:...
¡En Yo! is the studio of Second Life avatar Dana Enyo. Dana creates original, custom textures (and now PBR materials too) and applies them carefully to the best mesh clothes she can find. You'll usually find her at one of her inworld ¡En Yo! shops, swimming as a mermaid around Sirens Isle, or maybe riding her motorcycle or mercycle around the roads and oceans! You may also find her at one of SL's many great live music venues; if you say Hi! and she doesn't answer she's probably shooting video but will answer when she pauses the tape. ALL ¡En Yo! shops give half of all sales to the host sim (or to a charity), so please stop by a shop or send an IM anytime!
© Copyright 2021-2024 Dana Enyo